Project - Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction (AA & ES)
Project Location
Date of Sanction/Revised
Revised Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction (AA&ES) of the scheme of River Front Development (RFD) at Konnagar Town of west Bengal under National Ganga River Authority (NGRBA) at an estimated cost of rs.590.66 lakh (Rupees Five Crore Ninety lakh and Sixty Thousand Only,Including Centage @8% O&M cost).
Konnagar, West Bengal
Revised Adminsitrative Approval And Expenditure Sanction(AA&ES) of the scheme of river front Development (RFD) at Budge-Budge Town at west bengal under national Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) at an estimated cost of Rs.539.49 Lakhs (Rupees Five crore thirty nine lakh and fourty nine thousand only (including Centage@8%).
Budge-Budge, West Bengal
Revised Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction (AA&ES) of the scheme of River Front Development (RFD) and electric Crematoria (EC) at halisahar Town of West Bengal under national Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) at an estimated cost of Rs.1466.15 Lakhs (Rupees Ganga River basin Authority (NGRBA) at an estimated cost of Rs.1466.15 Lakhs (Rupees FOURTEEN CRORE Sixty Six Lakh and Fifteen thousand only (including Centage @8% and O& M cost).
Halisahar, West Bengal
Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction for the project of "Sewerage ASystem and Sewage treatment Plant(STP) schemes for pollution abatement of river Ganga at BHATPARA town of westbengal" under national Ganga River basin Authority (NGRBA) at an estimated cost of Rs.228.52 crore (Rupees Two hundred twenty eight crore and fifty two lakhs only)-and Release of Grants-in-Aid of 1st Installment of Rs.36,42,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty six crore and fourty two lakhs only) in favour of Cheif Executive Officer,Kilkata metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA) Prashashan Bhawean, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkatta-700064 for the financial year 2010-2011.
BHATPARA, West Bengal
Adminsitartive Approval and Expenditure Sanction for the project of"Sewarage System and Sewage Treatment Plant(STPP) schemes for pollution abatement of river Ganga Kalyani town of west bengal" under national Ganga River basin Authority (NGRBA) an estimated cost of rs.57.87 crore (Rupees fifty seven crore and eighty seven lakh only) and Release of Grants--in-Aid of ist Installment of rs,8,45,00,000/-(Rupees Eight crore and forty lakhs only) in favour of Chief executive officer, Kolkatta Metropolitan development Authority(KMDA), Prashashan Bhawan, Sector-!, Salt Lake City,Kolkatta-700054 for the finacnial year 2010-2011.
Kalyani, West Bengal
Adminsitrative Approval and expenditure Sanction(AA&ES) of the scheme of River Development (RFD) and Electric Crematoria (EC) at Hoogly-Chinsurah town of west bengal under the National Ganga River Basin Authority(NGRBA) at an estimated cost of rs.1211.50 lakhs (Rupees twelve crore eleven lakhs and fifty thousand only)